Saturday, November 12, 2011

Urban Herbalism: Summer Time Tincturing

One of the easiest and most fulfilling projects we accomplished this summer was tincturing local herbs for the winter. I've been making herbal tinctures out of store bought herbs for years, but getting to do it from herbs we foraged, bought fresh straight from a farmer, or grew ourselves was simply magical. I honestly never realized it could be so beautiful to use herbal medicine. And I have always thought it was pretty darn magical.

picking rose hips of the plant.  
We made hyper-local tinctures of lavender, rose hips, hops, and lemon balm. In some of these, we had been involved in the process of the remedy from the moment it was a seed put into earth.

In moments like these, I feel so connected to the place where I am. I am so grounded. I understand seasons. I am so unlike the me who wastes hours on Facebook a week.I feel centered and true.

This winter, when I am sleepless or anxious or getting a cold, I will have a sip of homemade love-plus-magic, and I will feel better because of the sun, the earth, the compost, the seed, the love that was given to me or that I invested all year. And I will be better knowing I loved myself, my home, and that moment so much.

1 comment:

  1. Delicious herbal tea works wonders when you need to ease the stress
