Friday, February 24, 2012

Urban Herbalism: Your Own Sleepy-Time Tea

Here's a mild, easy to put together tea with herbs you can easily find or grow yourself.  For the price of one box of tea found in a store, you could easily have 20 times more tea on your hand.  While other herbs can be added for those with severe insomnia, the blend I'm using today is a great mild tea to help the average person settle down after a busy day, clear your mind, and invite a little rest.  For stressful days, this tea can help welcome a moment of calm without knocking you out.

For one cup, I add one large pinch of each type of herb. Here, I am using chamomile, peppermint, lemon balm, and lavender. Chamomile and peppermint are excellent herbs for digestion and, because they are cooling, can be beneficial for those who suffer with heartburn. So if you are sleeping on a big dinner or if you want a soothing after dinner tea, this is a wonderful blend.

Place a steeper in your favorite cup. I love for mine to be pretty. It's girly but I'll admit it. It makes it even more of a treat. Pinch your herbs into your cup with intention. Then pour boiling water- filtered, if possible- over your herbs. Cover to make sure you retain all the nutrients the steam may try to carry away (remember the hydrosol lesson!). Allow to steep for fifteen minutes, covered. Then lift your cover, remove steeper, press the herbs for all the vital nutrients to be squeezed out, and enjoy your cup of tea.

Enjoy your tea with as much intention and meditation as possible, taking deep breaths and enjoying the aromatherapy treat you are giving your body. Have a good night's rest! I will!

1 comment:

  1. I can understand the lemon balm. For a sleepy time tea I just use lime leaves. Really relaxing.
