Monday, March 5, 2012

Broken Me

Dear Readers,
A week ago I broke my right hand.
Until it gets better I can't really post or formulate adventures.
How will I survive a month without cooking or blogging, you ask?
I'm open to suggestions!!
Yours Truly,


  1. I'm soooo sorry to hear this! I can appreciate the frustration of not being able to do the things that make you happiest - I had a minor version of this over the winter when a sore shoulder put a real crimp in my regular activities. All I can suggest is that you reframe this as an opportunity to discover some new things you might not have made or had time for before, that don't require the use of your hand. Or make it a time to indulge yourself in some rest and self-care - something most of us don't normally make time for! And then I guess there's always the option of learning to be ambidextrous... Take good care, Nikki!

  2. Oh dear...losing the use of my hands, temporarily or permanently, is one of the things that scares me the most! Maybe it's a good time for mind-expanding study, like reading classics or taking up a foreign language? I myself would probably be going nuts and figuring out how to knit one-handed.
