Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Crunch Goes to Work

It had to happen eventually. My initial plan was to be unemployed until my blog went viral or something, at which point I would begin writing crunchy poetry and memoirs or blogs for cash about my DIY attempts all-the-live-long-day.

But alas, it turns out that while this blog has amped in readership, I needed to be back at work. For reasons related to skill building, sanity, and finances, I looked and looked for something that would be a perfect fit. Hoping to no longer ride the waves of cortisol that non-profit organizations provide, I went with something secure and deskish. It wasn't an easy choice, but I have been learning as I go and I hope I am better for it.

Here are some hard lessons learned so far:

  1. There are still people who think adding a spice packet is cooking. They also have no idea that you can make your own mayo, beer, or cheese. They cannot tell you what is done to flour to make it flour. They have never heard of grinding grain. I think, for a minute, I forgot that these people existed. 
  2. Flourescent lights still suck. I feel sick every day underneath them and my body is having trouble adjusting to the lack of sun light. 
  3. When you are 5'1'', either you are sitting comfortably in your chair and unable to type OR you are swinging your feet and can type. Neither is pleasant. I am taking frequent walks and stretching breaks to accommodate the bad posture in development here 
  4. An alarm clock is a terrible way to wake up. No doubt about it, this tool is meant to interrupt your sleep.  But it's essentially the equivalent of having someone run into your bedroom screaming, "The worst things are happening in the world of the awake!!" every morning. I had forgotten how much I hated them. 

Here are some better things: 

  1. It is right and goodly to be on the same sleep schedule as your husband. Our commute happens together as well. All of this makes our life more peaceful and happy. 
  2. A desk is a really fun vehicle for expressing what you'd like to express to the world. It's like a 6 foot block of personality and there is something really lovely about that little bit of piece. 
  3. When you work for a very large organization, it behooves you to move deliberately and that sometimes means slowly. It's a welcome change. 
  4. I get to truly leave my work at work so far! 
All in all a good few weeks. I love my team and I enjoy the substance of my work. 

What a position. 

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