Monday, July 9, 2012

A Crunchy Desk? Or "How to Be Me At Work"

How amazing are these pictures?
I'm in a really strange place. My work is official. I write proposals and memos.  I wear dress pants (or at least I'm supposed to).  I'm seemingly becoming a professional adult.

And so far it was meshed with me in a way that felt funny. Sort of foreign. Like sauerkraut on ice cream: no matter how much you like either one, they don't match.

So I am trying to find a way to be me at work. It has been an interesting struggle.  First, I have a firm belief that every where I go should smell like a place I want to be. You may have seen this in my suggestions to sage or simmer lavender and what not.  My office smells like dust and fluorescent lights. I decided an aromatherapy diffuser was in order. And stat. I'm using peppermint-lavender, for an invigorated relaxation.  Having a space that smelled lovely helped immediately. It's a cute terra-cotta piece made by a local artisan that provides localized smell that you only notice right near my desk. It's really a great friend.

Also, I brought in things that were lovely. An origami wreath I bought from a child craft show. My salt lamp. Awesome mugs and things. Then I covered some of my surfaces in fabric.

I noticed the difference immediately when my co-workers would touch things on my desk involuntarily. All the time. Suddenly my space was engaging and no longer so bland.

Also, obviously, I brought a plant. Jade. Happy in shade? likes to be ignored? My office exactly. And then some crystals- amethyst especially seems to have helped. I colored every note in a border in highlighter. Color? Check.

I think, in the end though, what will wind up making the difference, is if I can place my roots deeply, deeply, deeply in my home and in my marriage. Finding myself here and taking me with me when I go to work, should help in time. I just feel so split for now.

1 comment:

  1. I have envisioned your homey office and want it for home. Bring me your office and Ill do your work. I easily error on boring work overload vs. Home creation projects. I'm still learning how to not need to 'do' and instead 'create'. Identity switch around still fumbleing about. Thinking of you as you continue to transition.
